Quilting Patterns
Before you get started: As you look over these patterns, keep in mind the 'feel' you want in the quilting, not the size. Some pattern samples may look too small or 'tight', some too large or 'open'. We can adjust the size to make any pattern larger or smaller. For many repeat motif designs the samples show two different options for setting the final pattern. The top 2 or 3 rows show the pattern set 'straight' and the bottom 2 or 3 rows show the pattern 'offset'.
A note on pricing: These patterns are priced according to pattern size and density. When you enlarge a pattern, it becomes less dense, and therefore goes down in price. The 'Least Expensive' page shows patterns that stitch out at $.02 per square inch at the sample size shown (which is generally 10", unless otherwise noted). If you like a pattern that is not in the 'Least Expensive' category, you might choose it in a larger format than shown for a price reduction.
How to choose a quilting pattern that’s right for you: Picking a quilting pattern can be as easy as casting an eye over the patterns offered here and just zeroing in on something you like, or can be a design process that takes many factors into account.
I usually determine what the quilt’s purpose is before I start my search. Is it a kid’s quilt that will be for the bed, jumped up and down on, or thrown over the dog? Is it a gift for a cherished loved one (not that these two are mutually exclusive!) Is there a theme to the fabric choices? Is there high contrast in the colors or shapes (in other words, is it super busy, and the quilting will be hard to see), or are there areas where the quilting will be very visible.
If you find yourself a little stuck, send me a photo of your quilt and give me a call. There are so many patterns out there that even if you can’t find a pattern you like among the hundreds I have, you can go online to the designers listed below for access to thousands more patterns. If you find something I don’t carry, I’ll purchase the pattern and split the cost with you 50/50 (usually around $7.50 to you).
Special thanks to:
digitizedquiltingpatterns.com (Wasatch Quilting) stitchhappy.com
intelligentquilting.com sweetdreamsquiltstudio.com
karleeporter.com urbanelementz.com
quiltersniche.com wildflowerquilting.com
quiltrecipes.com willowleafstudio.com
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©Apricot Moon

©Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio

©Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio


©Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio

©Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio


2 5" rows © Quilters Niche

©Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio

Offset Pairs and Flipped annebrightdesigns.com

©Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio

©Jess Ziegler Longarm League

©Jess Ziegler Longarm League


©Quilters Niche

©Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio

©Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio

Stitch Happy

©Quilters Niche

©Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio

Munnich Design

© Jess Zeigler

©Judith Kraker

©Jess Ziegler Longarm League

©Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio

©Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio

©Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio

Wildflower Quilting

Wildflower Quilting

©Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio

Patricia E. Ritter, Urban Elementz

©Quilters Niche

©Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio


Judith Kraker, Intelligent Quilting