About Me
I'm Joanie, a lifelong fabric fiend who started Wild Goose Quilting in 2017 to provide long-arm quilting services to quilters in Humboldt County, CA and Beyond!
I’m one of those quilters obsessed with stitch quality. In my heaven, the stitching on the back of the quilt is as even and smooth as on the front. In my search for a home sewing machine many many years ago, that’s what I looked for and found a Bernina to fill that need. I pieced, appliquéd and machine quilted with that machine for years, but eventually got sick and tired of crawling around on the floor to pin baste, and then labor over manhandling a huge quilt sandwich for quilting. I realized there was only one way to go – a longarm!
I spent a really long time researching longarms, taking classes on the various models, and found that with the computerized Innova stitch quality was awesome, with access to zillions of patterns. I bought my Innova in 2016, spent months learning how to use it, and started Wild Goose Quilting.
My passion now is helping my clients find that ‘exact right pattern’ to make their quilt sing. I’m in love with color, value, texture and motion in quilts and get excited every time I see what my customers are doing. I believe that quilts are made with love, from your first shaky steps to your competition winners and that every quilt is beautiful. There are no quilt police here!!
I do have to say that my other abiding passion is birding. The sounds of migrating wild geese go straight to my heart and cause me to stop and scan the skies every time I hear them. A couple of years ago I woke up at 3 in the morning with the name and logo for this business clear as a bell. The image of an Aleutian Cackling Goose flying through a circular “Flying Geese” design in complementary colors and contrasting values was beautifully executed by my artist friend Gary Bloomfield of Arcata, California. I’m still in love with it! (And the color scheme for this page is inspired by the Belted Kingfisher, female. Look her up!)
Happy quilting, and please contact me any time with quilting questions of any type ~ I love to talk quilts!